What is Podcast Video?

A growing trend online is podcast video. While podcasting was originally only for audio files, more people are beginning to send video, especially with broadband connections more accessible. To podcast video, content distributors enclose it in a web syndication file that users can download and…

Expert Advice On How To Get The Facebook Marketing Results You Need

What sort of marketing are you interested in? When it comes to Facebook, you can really take a variety of avenues to reach out to customers and potential leads. You are only held back by your imagination and education, and this article should help you…

Savor Software Technology!

No computer users in the home, business and corporate world would have ever imagined that the productivity suite introduced in newer and more advanced versions over time would turn out to be so effective, so simple, so user-friendly, so fast, and so user-oriented. Yes, Microsoft…

Skyrocket Your Sales With Google +

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Internet businesses face challenging times with more competition sprouting in the market, but there are still many tools and solutions which could get them a bigger piece of the pie through innovation and creativity. Besides warding off increasing competition, Internet businesses also have to mind…

Ezine Advertizing: A Good Alternative When Buying Online Ads

Internet business owners and marketers are seeking better alternatives on the Internet to buy online ads that would give them further leverage in securing potential business leads for more sales and profits. They aim to make more money either through online or offline means and…

Automakers battle for high-tech dominance on the road to self-driving car – WHBL Sheboygan

Sunday, November 15, 2015 3:11 p.m. CST By Naomi Tajitsu and Paul Ingrassia TOKYO/FRANKFURT (Reuters) – At the recent Frankfurt Auto Show, Ford Motor Co unveiled a new feature that lets drivers pre-set their car to go at or just above the speed limit. In-car…

Google Plan Big Changes To The Photo Apps Such As Picasa After Acquiring Fly Labs – Insight Ticker

Google has acquired Fly Labs, a video-editing apps company based in New York for an undisclosed amount, and will be absorbing all the staffs and employees of the start-up into Mountain View, California. Fly Labs is reputed for such video-editing apps as Clips, Fly, Tempo,…