How to Get More Traffic to Your Website

How to Get More Traffic to Your Website

Proven Content Ideas to Drive More Traffic to Your Local Website

How do you drive more traffic to your local website so you can get more customers? simple, publish more content. A website is for life not just for Christmas. It needs to be nurtured it needs to grow, but, if you’re like most local business owners, your website is likely to have just a handful of pages that were created when you launched it.

And if I had to take a guess I’m fairly confident these pages would include: a home page, a Contact Us page, an About us page, and a few pages describing your services. Am I right? if you recognize yourself in his description and have no idea what else you should be publishing on your site stay tuned, as I am going to run through 21 proven content ideas you can start using today to get more customers through your doors. Hi there if we’re just meeting my name is Luc Durand, the founder of ranking where I talk about the best tools tips, and ways to help you promote your local business online, step by step, and click by click.

How to Increase Website Traffic With SEO: 5 Tips content idea

On this channel, I cover everything any local business owner needs to know from search engine optimization to social media. My goal is to help you thrive online so you can drive more visitors to your business and ultimately make more money so if you’re new here consider subscribing and clicking on a bell button so you don’t miss any of my new videos.

Finally, don’t forget to check out the description below which is where I put additional notes and links I refer to in this tutorial. If you’re ready let’s jump right in. content idea number one. Frequently asked questions. Here is an example of an FAQ page from a local surveyor. These types of pages are useful because not only you can answer your visitor’s questions directly but you might also appear in Google Answers snippets results which are also useful for voice search content idea number two how to pages. Helping people out-solving problems is a great strategy to build content and encourage customers to get in touch with you.

How to boost your Local SEO traffic - 21 proven content ideas

5 Tips for Marketing Your Website Around a Local Project

Here is a typical example of a how-to article from a local plumbing and electric website what’s great about using this strategy is that you can create tons of how-to pages. Content idea number three. Cover a local event. Regardless of where your business is located, there are surely some local events going on near you.

Make the most of it, like this local wine bar, by either taking part or simply attending and writing a page about it. If you take part you may even be able to get a link from the organizer’s website and also network with other local business owners. Content idea number four, before and after results. Everybody loves before and after photo results as it really showcases what you are capable of achieving as a business like this handyman. You can make this even more effective and playful by adding a slider just like in this example on a page I built on my own site. Content idea number five. Cover a local project.

3 Proven Methods For Driving Traffic To Your Website

This is an opportunity to demonstrate your care about your community and make your content local like this landscape gardener who created an article about emergency accommodations being built in his area. Content idea number six exposes myths or misunderstandings in your industry. Ideal if you want to demystify some preconceived ideas or false truths everybody seems to believe.

Here is an example from a dentist who produced a detailed page including rich keywords related to his industry and the services he provides which he uses to link back to his internal pages, very smart move. Content idea number seven. Top 10 list. you’ve all seen these around the web lists are very common but also very effective. You don’t have to use 10 as a number, any number will do Look at this London plumber who has put together a list of the top three combination boilers. This page alone is currently driving over 450 visitors a month to their website according to ubber suggest.

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I wonder how many customers they have gained on the back of it. Content idea number 8. Client success stories.if you are good at what you do brag about it through your clients. Success stories are very powerful because anyone visiting your site can relate to them. It makes it easier to turn simple visitors into customers. Look at this dentist who is using some of these patients to do just that and even uses video as a medium, kudos to him.

Content idea number nine. Use statistics. Help people make informed decisions with statistic-related content. Here is a great example from a local property management business covering the real estate market in Colorado spring with numbers. I bet if you live in Colorado Springs and are either selling or buying a property you would find this article useful and maybe even call these guys. Make sure you back up your statistics with reliable sources. Content idea number 10. Describe new regulations in your industry.

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As an expert in your industry, you should be aware of all the latest regulations and legal obligations. Use this to your advantage and raise awareness of it, just like this electrician who is clearly targeting landlords who rent out properties. Content idea number 11. What’s a typical day for you you? You may not be a family member of the Kardashians but somehow people always love a fly-on-a-wall type of documentary.

Give the people what they want and describe what a typical working day is for you. Just like this roofer.If you are adventurous use video format as it will work better. This will help people feel like they know you even before they do business with you. Content idea number 12.Step-by-step procedure. Manage expectations and reassure potential prospects with a step-by-step guide about the services you are providing, like this laser eye surgery.

Are you looking for a website that is safe to visit?

Once again this should help visitors feel reassured about what they are getting into and push them towards making a call or inquiring for more information. Content idea number 13.Why us? Build a page and explain why visitors should choose you as a business. Look at this electrician site for instance. Yet another way to showcase what you can do as a business and if you can’t come up with any valid reasons then you might want to rethink why you are running a business altogether.

Content idea number 14.Best guides. Turn yourself into a local TripAdvisor and create guides around your neighborhood such as, what the best local restaurants are, where to find the best Wi-Fi spots near you, or just like this event company that created a list of the best coffee shops near the location. Make it as local as possible and once you’re done reach out to the owners of these businesses to tell them you mention them on your website and you might even get a link on the back of it. Content idea number 15. Is it safe?

How to Get More Traffic to Your Website

Very much like the “how-to” concept but this time uses the is “it safe” option, like this company selling engine oil through local stores. This is also a concept you can use to create tons of pages. Content idea number 16.Lessons learned from years in business. Share your experience with this sweet idea especially when you have been in business for a while, like this lawyer.

You probably have a lot to say such as, how the industry has changed over time, how it has changed you, etc…and if you haven’t been in business for that long you can still use the same theme and approach it differently something like, what I’ve learned in the first 6 months of opening my business. Content idea number 17.How to choose a business like yours. I like this idea because you position yourself as an impartial judge by giving recommendations on how to choose a business like yours.

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Just like this hair salon obviously, you’re not impartial at all, and you want visitors to choose you but it shows your confidence that you’re probably the better choice. Content idea number 18 getting a job in your industry. Help people out on their journey to become someone like yourself by explaining the best ways of getting a job in your profession, like this orthodontist. See it as a short biography that only zooms in on your career path.

Content idea number 19.Behind the scene. Who doesn’t like to know what really happens behind the scene? That’s what these butchers reveal on their website when it’s their busiest time of year, Christmas. This is a chance to show your existing customers a different side of your business and for new visitors to see you have nothing to hide. Content idea number 20.Pros and cons.

5 Ways To Generate More Traffic To Your Website

There is no such thing as a perfect business or profession, so why don’t you write the pros and cons of doing what you are doing in a full-length article filled with rich keywords just like this training academy in an article on the pros and cons of becoming a massage therapist? And finally, content idea number 21. Publish horror stories, Horror stories are very compelling, can drive a lot of interest, can be very funny, and also be shared on social media so they are not to be sniffed at. Here is an example of such a page from a lawyer located in Las Vegas.

Horror stories are even better if you can include images or videos. That’s it for today if you’ve made it this far well done if you like the video please give me a thumbs up as it will be very helpful for me. As you can see there are plenty of options to choose from. Applying these ideas will help you cover a good mixture of local keywords as well as keywords related to your industry.

Start Today and Traffic to Your Website Will Only Get Better

Get started today and I can promise you it will pay off until next time happy marketing…

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About the Author: wisewebwizzard

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