Why Internet Marketing is Crucial to Your Business

Many people wonder why internet marketing is such an important thing. In today’s world, you have to be sure that you are getting your name and business in front of people. If you aren’t doing this online, you aren’t even coming close to your potential….

Automakers battle for high-tech dominance on the road to self-driving car – WHBL Sheboygan

Sunday, November 15, 2015 3:11 p.m. CST By Naomi Tajitsu and Paul Ingrassia TOKYO/FRANKFURT (Reuters) – At the recent Frankfurt Auto Show, Ford Motor Co unveiled a new feature that lets drivers pre-set their car to go at or just above the speed limit. In-car…

AD North American meeting highlights buying group’s commitment to the future – Supply House Times

This year has been a busy one for the AD buying group. In addition to its new “Together, we win” branding and marketing campaign, AD earlier this year announced a merger with Canadian buying group Canaplus Limited Partnership and followed that up with the rollout…

Grand Falls House report gets political audience – Grand Falls-Windsor Advertiser

Deputy Mayor Barry Manuel said in a press release Friday morning that he hopes the dialogue leads to a transition agreement for the possible transfer of the property to the Town of Grand Falls–Windsor and the implementation of some of the key recommendations of the…

How Content Upgrades Help You Build Better Customer Relationships – Business 2 Community

Content upgrades (aka lead magnets) are a popular topic right now. You may have heard of them, you may have tried them — or you may not know what I’m talking about. So let’s start with a simple definition. A content upgrade is extra content…

The US Open Serves More Mobile Fans With Help From IBM and Snapchat – Wall Street Journal (blog)

IBM’s analytics and data technology help power mobile apps at the US Open The Wall Street Journal Like many media companies, when it comes to digital consumption, the U.S. Open has found that more than half of its audience consumes content using mobile devices. So this…

Columbus’ Identity Crisis: Who Are We, Anyway? – Columbus Monthly

Live music booms from within the Battelle Grand Ballroom at the Columbus Convention Center late one morning in March. Inside, hundreds of professionals in suits and skirts mingle while nibbling hors d’oeuvres, glancing politely at one another’s name tags. They’ve left their offices to network…

Beyond the action cam: GoPro CEO says VR and drones are the future – Mashable


When you think of GoPro, you think of one thing: Tiny, waterproof cameras that can be mounted almost anywhere. You think of skiers, skateboarders and adrenaline junkies leaping out of air balloons in wingsuits to capture the most extreme video you’ve ever seen. It can’t…

Big data analytics accelerates Williams’ Formula One performance – V3.co.uk

Must Have Features Your Web Site

Formula One cars are essentially big data factories on wheels. They have hundreds of sensors across many components collecting data on everything from fuel levels and engine performance, to oil temperature and tyre pressure. Turning that data into useful information to tweak a car’s performance…