How cookies can track you (Simply Explained)
So we’ve all heard how companies like Facebook and Google can use cookies to follow us around the internet and keep track of what we’re interested in. They do this to sell targeted ads or in some cases even share that data with others without…
Targeted Online Traffic
There are so many ways to get targeted online traffic to your website and it all starts with you and the product or service you have to offer. Of course it doesn’t matter what it is but whatever it is you do have to promote…
Free Website Promotion…Why Not?
Can you ever avail of free website promotion? Is that even feasible? Of course yes! Nowadays, your baby website can amass huge traffic in no time thanks to free website promotion. How does this free website promotion go anyway? What are things to be done?…
Never Blue CPA Network – Whats In It For You
Never Blue Ads, now called simply Neverblue CPA network, was established by the Canadian company Neverblue Media. this company is one of the forerunners as far as CPA networks go, both nationally and abroad, and runs some of the most popular CPA offers on the…
How to Make Money With Affiliate Article Marketing
There are also different types of affiliate marketing programs that require different things. What is affiliate marketing if it’s pay-per-click? This means that each time a potential customer clicks on your link to the merchant’s website, you earn money. What is affiliate marketing if it’s…
Generate Competitive Affiliate Marketing Campaigns With These Suggestions
The business of affiliate marketing doesn’t only deal with one type of marketing. You will not always be earning a single commission from a single sell. Pay attention to this article and learn some of the finer points of becoming an affiliate, so that you…
Why Use Video Squeeze Pages
Is it really worth it to switch from standard text squeeze pages to video squeeze pages? With consumers being bombarded more and more frequently with hype and blaring advertisements, internet marketers are very interested in doing whatever they can to get their target markets’ attention….
Marketing Your Video – 5 Minutes of Quality
When it comes to that all important website traffic, it’s important to use whatever tools you can online, and it gets easier all the time. With more and more tools available, and some of the older tools simply aren’t working as well, you can get…
Video Marketing Concepts – 3 to 5 Minutes is Best
When it comes to using the power of videos to drive your online sales funnel, there really aren’t that many video marketing concepts you’ll need to learn. For the most part the adage keep it simple is the best one to follow. Videos will work…