Proven Tips And Tricks For Mobile Marketing Success

Today people are doing more than you would have dreamed possible with their cell phones. Smart phones keep getting more and more popular, and their capabilities are growing, almost as fast. If you are running a business, you owe it to yourself to investigate how…

Online Marketing Strategies: What is Acquisition Marketing?

Many Internet businesses today engage in exquisite online marketing strategies that are designed to boost their bottom lines. Progressive technologies offers a myriad of dynamic online marketing strategies that cannot be simply deployed without considering market factors that impact business outcomes. Internet businesses require dynamic…

Study Shows Retailers Use Marketplaces to Acquire New Customers … – EcommerceBytes

Retailers rank online marketplaces fifth for effectiveness among customer acquisition tools and allocate 16% of their digital marketing budgets to online marketplace initiatives and operations, according to a new report conducted by Forrester Research and Bizrate Insights. Results of “The State of Retailing Online…