How cookies can track you (Simply Explained)
So we’ve all heard how companies like Facebook and Google can use cookies to follow us around the internet and keep track of what we’re interested in. They do this to sell targeted ads or in some cases even share that data with others without…
2015 Women’s Blogging And Business Report: ‘Blogging Is On The Decline’ – MediaPost Communications
It seems influencer marketing is on the tip of everyone’s tongue these days. So it’s particularly interesting to hear that one of the findings of the 2015 Women’s Blogging And Business Report put out by iBlog Magazine showed blogging was on a decline. The report…
Romancing the drone: Demand takes off in South Florida – Miami Herald
Step inside Animusoft’s Kendall offices, and you’ll see drones everywhere — large ones, little ones, drones that inspect, drones that pick fruit, and a few just for fun. Some are half-built; 3D printers are working 24/7 to create new parts. You might think this is…