Getting the Word Out

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You have created your own product that has been proven to have great demand, you have a salesletter that has a sky-high conversion rate, but all that would be futile and you will earn nothing if you don’t have a single soul passing by your…

Two Basic Parts of a Low Cost Web Site Promotion

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Anybody could own a web site. Anybody could up sell their own products and services to their target audience. Anyone could try to promote their web site with a low cost. But there are not many web sites that have a truly successful web site…

What Publishers Must Consider When Planning Their Mobile Strategies – Marketing Land

The best news in mobile marketing every Thursday. Mobile traffic on most publishers’ sites has been soaring in recent months, sparking them to consider fundamental and strategic issues about the future of their businesses. The underlying question: what’s the optimal way to respond to internet users…

Google’s release of TensorFlow could be a game-changer in the future of AI – Phys.Org

Google’s machine learning software already does some pretty amazing things, such as visual translations. Credit: TensorFlow The development of smarter and more pervasive artificial intelligence (AI) is about to shift into overdrive with the announcement by Google this week that TensorFlow, its second-generation machine-learning system,…

The Future of Art Criticism and News Online According to Four Innovative Editors – artnet News

James McAnally.Image: Courtesy of McAnally / Temporary Art Review.   Everything about publishing is changing, including art criticism and news. What sort of art coverage we consume, how we consume it and on what devices is rapidly, constantly evolving. If art magazines are dead, then what…

This Software Can Plaster Someone Else’s Facial Expressions Onto Your Face – Motherboard

[embedded content] Well, this is disturbing. A team of researchers based in three different institutions has developed a software that can record someone else’s facial expressions, and plaster them onto your own face. The video shows a source actor, who makes various facial expressions and…