Telecity fix nixed: Borked UK internet hub ‘had no UPS protection’ – The Register

Telecity cancelled its plans for a second shot at fixing the stricken power supply in its Docklands internet hub at Sovereign House. Engineers for the data centre operator were due to try fixing the broken system again on Wednesday night/Thursday morning, sources told The Register….

Automakers battle for high-tech dominance on the road to self-driving car – WHBL Sheboygan

Sunday, November 15, 2015 3:11 p.m. CST By Naomi Tajitsu and Paul Ingrassia TOKYO/FRANKFURT (Reuters) – At the recent Frankfurt Auto Show, Ford Motor Co unveiled a new feature that lets drivers pre-set their car to go at or just above the speed limit. In-car…

Digital Marketing: The 7 Essential Channels – Business 2 Community

When Henry Ford was selling automobiles in the early 20th century, all he had to do was assemble the cars and get them into show rooms as quickly as possible. By the time the cars were in the show room, there were several customers in…

Romancing the drone: Demand takes off in South Florida – Miami Herald

Step inside Animusoft’s Kendall offices, and you’ll see drones everywhere — large ones, little ones, drones that inspect, drones that pick fruit, and a few just for fun. Some are half-built; 3D printers are working 24/7 to create new parts. You might think this is…