Light painting illuminates Floating Points’ Silhouettes video – Dezeen

Effective Link Building Strategies for Good Online Visibility

Music: patterns of light spring up around a Martian-like world in this music video that directors Pablo Barquin and Junior Martínez created for Floating Points (+ movie). Martínez already knew Sam Shepherd – the musician behind Floating Points – before the idea for the video…

6 Video Solutions to Common Business Challenges – Business 2 Community

Branded videos have the power to be effective throughout most, if not all areas of your business. Contrary to popular belief, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ video solution. In fact, there are several types of video, each catering to a specific business challenge. Here are 6…

Beyond the action cam: GoPro CEO says VR and drones are the future – Mashable


When you think of GoPro, you think of one thing: Tiny, waterproof cameras that can be mounted almost anywhere. You think of skiers, skateboarders and adrenaline junkies leaping out of air balloons in wingsuits to capture the most extreme video you’ve ever seen. It can’t…