The Importance of Internet Marketing – Do It Right or Die

In today’s world it is easy to underestimate the importance of internet marketing. Advertising and communications are everywhere, and people can forget how delicate a process marketing can be. To get the full benefit of internet marketing, you need to make sure that you understand…

Google’s release of TensorFlow could be a game-changer in the future of AI – Phys.Org

Google’s machine learning software already does some pretty amazing things, such as visual translations. Credit: TensorFlow The development of smarter and more pervasive artificial intelligence (AI) is about to shift into overdrive with the announcement by Google this week that TensorFlow, its second-generation machine-learning system,…

The Future of Art Criticism and News Online According to Four Innovative Editors – artnet News

James McAnally.Image: Courtesy of McAnally / Temporary Art Review.   Everything about publishing is changing, including art criticism and news. What sort of art coverage we consume, how we consume it and on what devices is rapidly, constantly evolving. If art magazines are dead, then what…

Watch Out Intel, Here Comes Facebook – Barron’s

Moore’s Law is breaking down, and the physics of chips is becoming treacherous. Barron’s Graphics For 50 years, the computer-chip industry has ridden a road of economic miracles, but now it’s reaching an end, and a potential crisis is unfolding for some of the industry’s…

Google opens Alphabet era with stock-lifting report – Salt Lake Tribune

The third-quarter gains also reflected the financial discipline that has been imposed by Porat, who made it clear she intended to curb spending shortly after joining Google in May. Google’s operating expenses in the third quarter rose at slightly slower pace than net revenue, helping…