Cut Energy Bills Now With Wind Power And Other Energy Saving Solutions

With the turning of the leaves, we are also turning up our thermostats. Many of us are scared to death about what that is going to do to our energy bills which keep going up even though our income stays the same. Cold wind can drive up your energy cost, but why not use the power of the wind to harness your energy bill. Now is the time to cut energy bills, here are a few steps you can take now.

To save on your utility bills you can make big changes or small changes. The bigger the change the bigger the payoff. Below is a list of some of the things you can do to cut your bills use some or all of them but just get started now.

1. Add insulation to your attic. Don’t let the air you’ve paid to heat escape to the outside.

2. Seal up those leaky areas around windows and doors. Just buy some caulk go around an plug all the holes you see and use a window film kit to add another layer to your windows.

3. Add a programmable thermostat so that you don’t have to pay to keep your house warm during the day when you’re not there.

4. Replace your windows and doors with high efficiency models.

5. Build and use your own wind turbine. You can build it in a few days for around $200 and up; then generate up to 60% of your home’s electrical needs.

The government is currently offering tax credits of up to $1500 if you add energy efficient products and use alternative energy sources.

It doesn’t matter what changes you choose to make, as long as you make changes you will save money.

The bigger the changes, a wind turbine and new windows, the more you can cut energy bills. Calculate that savings over years and you can see that you will really save a bundle on utilities.

About the Author: wisewebwizzard

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