Google Gadgets & OpenSocial – A Social Media Marketing Toolset

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Marketing on the Internet is not difficult with the wide range of advanced and cost effective marketing tools available for free. A host of social media marketing tools and resources is readily available to assist online business owners and marketers in drawing traffic to their…

8 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Tap Into Facebook

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Aspiring entrepreneurs today are indulging in Facebook marketing with the social media network deemed as the ‘mighty goliath of social media’ with billions of registered users that are potential business leads to any business. This is very attractive to small businesses wanting to source target…

The Question of Link Velocity – How Many Links Does My Site Need?

Internet marketers know the importance of links on their website to attract more web traffic to boost sales. Hence, link building is a dynamic component in website design as part of good SEO essentials. Every website that wants to be visible in the market must…

Mobile Apps Versus Mobile Websites – Which One Is The Best?

As modern technology evolves to bring on newer technologies, many businesses are struggling to keep up with the pace. However, it is essential for them to keep abreast with technologies in order not to lose out in the challenging marketplace. The latest emerging technology today…

How Google Calculates Your Search Ranking in 2015

Aggressive Internet marketers and online business owners are acutely aware of the importance of online web page ranking by Google, which is esteemed as one of the most important search engines on the Internet. A high SERP score is known to bring in the desired…

Don’t Let Your Website Turn Into a Zombie!

Many Internet marketers tend to leave their web business site in disarray over time that it soon turns into a zombie state which is unattractive to web traffic. This is tragic for online businesses that depend heavily on constant flows of web traffic to boost…