The Best Network Marketing Tool is Y-O-U

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New and experienced network marketers alike are constantly in search of the best network marketing tool. Have you been searching as well? You want something that you can trust and depend on to work for you . . .and of course, something that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg. Well, I have some very good news for you! The very best network marketing tool is absolutely free and here’s the real good part. . .you already have it! Because this “secret” tool happens to be you. . . yourself. Ok, now you could be confused so let me explain. I’ll have to back up a bit. Let’s first talk about the tools that you don’t want to use in Network Marketing. Whatever you do, do not try to promote your network marketing company with the tools that they offer you: the fliers, the catalogues and no, not even the website. You can show this to your prospects later but here is the golden rule that you want to keep in mind. The people that you want to be your team members (your downline) do not care about the business that you are involved in. They don’t. No matter how great the business is and no matter how many people this business has helped. . .your potential downline does not care. Do you want to know what they do care about? They care if YOU can show them how to be successful with their network marketing company. They care if YOU will be there to answer their questions. They care that YOU are excited about the business. That’s right. In the ever-growing world of online network marketing, where it’s hard to attach a person to all the hype and offers out there, your potential customers and your potential team members are looking for someone that they can trust. Someone that they can count on. Someone who will lead them in the right direction. Someone who is real. They too are looking for that infamous business-saving network marketing tool. What better to offer them than yourself? So, now all you have to do is go out there and introduce yourself. Let everyone know that you’re out there and you’re willing to help them succeed. There are many, many ways to do this. Here are just 3 of the quickest and easiest and “freeist”:

1) Go to, register yourself and set up an account. Include your picture and a small bio about yourself. Fill in whatever else you can. Write an article about yourself. It can be about how you help people succeed in network marketing. Or. . .it doesn’t have to be. Just write about something that you know and can help someone understand.

Make comments on other people’s hubpages. they will see your comments and take a look at your hub. This is how you start introducing yourself.

2)Set up a facebook account. Let people know about your status. Make it interesting with comments like “Just helped someone get their first lead! I love my business!”

3) Register on Twitter and update your “tweets”. This is similar to what you do on Facebook. . .but do it in 140 characters or less. Again, make it interesting and make it personal and don’t be promotional. . .the name of the game is “offer value” and let people see who you are.

Realize that you yourself are the best network marketing tool and capitalize on that!

keyword: network marketing tool

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competition: 7,470

About the Author: wisewebwizzard

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