7 Traits Of A Good Affiliate Marketer

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What things differentiate best affiliate marketers from normal ones? During the last few years, I’ve seen a lot of people who have their one-hits and then vanish from the market. Major things that people do not discuss about being the attitudes and daily routines required to be effective.

I prepared a list by comparing these behaviors of myself and some of my best affiliate friends. I studied these facts to check whether there are any common behaviors and thinking patterns. It is rather difficult to reduce them to only seven behaviors. However, I believe that these things will definitely help anyone who needs to improve affiliate marketing skills.

Good affiliate marketers make plans.

It is important to consider your affiliate marketing as a real business. Therefore, create plans for your affiliate marketing as same as you do for businesses. Many people do not have clear targets. Many people are reactive, but not proactive.
• Have you seen any progress of your affiliate marketing for last three years? Are you still doing the same process or do need to make any differences in your process?
• Always look for new prospects. Find out new market trends. See whether you can familiarize yourself with new market trends.
• Find out new marketing tactics for your campaigns. Decide the parameters you should use when measuring the effectiveness of campaigns. Decide the time periods of your campaigns.
Always keep this in your mind. “Failing to plan, is planning to fail”

Good affiliate marketers always gather and learn from each others.

Even if I am an expert in this field, still I am learning new things. There are many new strategies and knowledge out there. There are lots of things to learn.

As for example, I have three friends. One is a very technical guy; another is a mobile monster; and the last one makes and markets his own products. There are experts and I learn lots of things from them. I will never discover those things by myself. I also teach them the things I know.

You get out what you put in and you have to carry something to the table. Who wants to help someone that is always leeching details and never sharing?

I am willing to help others because I have “abundance” attitudes and not “scarcity” ones. A candlestick drops nothing by illuminating another candlestick.

Good affiliate marketers improve their lives in all the aspects.

I have seen that most of the best affiliate marketers spend very good lives. They have many self improvements. They are very active; they travel very often; and they read a lot.

It really does not appear sensitive to servant away trying to be a huge success, but you end up overweight or you end up without a public interaction. Even if you work hard, don’t ignore your health, family life, public interaction, knowledge, and appearance.
It’s the attitude of self-improvement that results in business achievements. In order to develop as an individual it needs you to force yourself outside of your comfort area. When you begin doing insane things and make your life enhancements, your confidence will develop.
The mindset of ongoing development in your lifestyle will reveal itself in your performance.

Good affiliate marketers keep their eyes on the competition.

The business world is moving very fast.

Everything is changing quickly. A product with a high price can suddenly decrease its market value. Sometimes, an innovation of your competitor can give them a great return on investment and a great market share. Therefore, it is important to keep your eyes on the competitor’s activities. Do not let them fall you behind.

For example, Samsung knows what Apple’s doing next.
Some people act carelessly and give competitors to move forward by leaving them behind.

Good affiliate marketers know their positions.

It is important to know your position. Then, you can take corrective decisions according to the data you have.
Some affiliate marketers do not keep records of their daily expenses and incomes. It is important to keep records of your expenditures and profits every day without depending on the estimates of your CPV labs.

If you have unnecessary expenses, make sure to stop them.

If you are getting a lot of wires each week, do you keep your eyes on people who pay on time?
When you launch your campaigns, do you know at what time they give maximum benefits? Have you taken any advantages from those times?

Good affiliate marketers analyze everything very carefully.

Here is an example to show you that how a normal affiliate differ from a good one. Two affiliates analyze until they are both successful at $0.60 EPC.

The lazy affiliate rest or tries out another campaign. Advertising loss of sight sneakers in, the offer payment falls, the competitors improves the bid prices because their squeeze pages are better, etc. Within a couple of weeks the EPC goes from $0.50 to $0.25. “Oh well the strategy passed away, a chance to discover the next one.”

The baller affiliate is a competitive guy. $0.50 EPC is not sufficient because he knows there is always space for improvements. Testing more than 100 ads; Variations in 5 landing pages; and 5 more ad angels etc. The same problems such as advertising loss and provide payment reduce sneakers in, but he improves his EPC. Now his EPC is $0.65 a couple of weeks later, his primary opponent dropped out.

Good affiliate marketers say No… a lot

Having no any better thoughts is not the issue I have. My issue is the lack of time, resources and focus to execute all the good ideas I have. You can sink in the opportunities you have.

Joe Newbie hit $1k revenue a day, and now he is getting more attention. Affiliate managers expect that he will start new businesses that he has no experience; many people are like to start businesses with him; and his girlfriend wants to go for a vacation with him and celebrate it.

Joe says yes to everything. After a couple of weeks, his strategies passed away and he has nothing remained. He also missed his concentration and strength. What he had to do is working harder to increase $1ka day into $2k a day. Strike the iron while it’s hot.
Many individuals do not like to say no. Do not think it as saying no; think it as saying yes to better chances.
If you cannot follow all the things described above, try to follow at least one thing.

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